Poems from poetrytoday

bennin show business over 20 years as singer recoring arist writering
(poems go here) he stood stand didn't fall worked for us all so we could have a ball now he back for us white and black let put hate on the...
(poems go here) we knew what we had to do this was no play we had our say now its going to be you see a better day we won worked to be don...
(poems go here) its what love brings a godly thing we 're not insane looking for fame just to make a change have worldly friend its not a...
(poems go here) its not a sin its the the war to win and make friends of all race and face i will say in everyday again and agin TIME TO...
(poems go here) just call i'll get off the wall if you should fall ifeel free to call me you am HERE IF YOU NEED ME
