Poems from phoebestone97

My name is Phoebe Stone. I am 16 years old and am an aspiring Singer, Actress, and Model. I have been writing my own poetry for many years and enjoy doing so.
I work at my local church serving on the Choir and with the Children. I am also beginning to work with Special Needs children with the Buddy Break program at another local church. My spare time is spent on school work and recreational reading. I will be attending the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles in about a year and am very excited to begin my career after earning my Bachelor's. I have full intentions of continuing to publish my work on here.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me!
I'd also love it if you liked my Facebook page.
What makes me tick?
If you've got a moment go ahead and sit,
I won't be long, I'll make it quick.
The things in life worth living for are...