Poems from leenaladli00

leenaladli00's picture
Ru too too da yoda, dun dun, ru too too da yoda, sala do de, salad potato salad boy.
I watch you  In hopes of a smile Yearning for your laughter A matter of the heart  Best kept in secret I give you sweet gifts of the tongue...
Your smile is like a summers day In all of its sublimity While drawing perched birds near To rest upon its broad purity 
When the Earth met It had you in mind To array all its beauty A thousand splendors In one world  Only pulled from one  Being   A secret it...
How shall I describe you Using words that do not explain Your beauty? How can I tell you  Your beauty reaches far Beyond the sky into the...
Her hair like tapestries of wire They stiffly flow in the wind Her lips the color of weeds Not pink or red She is not a beauty By the...
