Poems from learningtobefree

Meghedi Tamazian is a seventeen year old girl who resides in a Chicago suburb. She is a member of her school's speech team and competes in the individual event of "Poetry Reading." She has represented her school in numerous literary conferences, festivals, and magazines, and has been mentored by renowned poets such as Kevin Coval and Roger Bonair-Agard. Approximately three years ago, she began working with a Philadelphia-based spoken word artist, with whom she continues to collaborate, to produce spoken word tracks of her poetry. She aspires to be an involved educator of English at the collegiate level and has a firm belief in engaging youth in meaningful social discussion with a concentration in poetry. Too often, she pretends not to notice when someone is trying to hold her hand. Don't ask her why.
it's your long, gray braid that i love the most.
a wisp of wisdom cascading down your back,
never tangled, whispers hymns through all the...
on the corner of Madison and Wells, a ghost with a gray cotton tee and tattered jeans saw my red lace dress and started deer hunting. he...
“somewhere, there is a museum of unfinished surgeries.” – Dylan GarityI. the man who runs this place wears blue Nikes.he keeps them clean...
maybe if we enjoyed the lullaby of empty
dial tones, we would fall asleep somewhere
amidst the clatter of unanswered phone calls.
in Appleton, Wisconsin, there is a boy named Cael
who dreams of Copenhagen and draws demonic flamingo.
his spine is curled the wrong...