Poems from keisha2513

I'm going to miss her. Just missing her smile. Missing her since of humor. I'm going to miss calling her. Whenever I had a problem. I will...
I'm fear of drowing. As I couldn't swim. Fear of being helpless. As I feel ashamed. Fear of love. Feeling fear of my worse emeny. Fear of...
I haven't found me. I'm lost. All I do is drink so heavy. I haven't found me. I'm getting so high. As I sniffed cocaine. As my body is so...
Alone in a dark room. Just feeling all alone. Alone when there is no one around. Alone as I sleep. With tears running down on my pillow....
It's 1am I'm walking on dangerous roads. It is so dark outside. Outside It feels so cold. It is such a dangerous road outside. As I walk...
