Poems from isaacinthesky
There, I dreamt it. Vast visions of how the ocean danced my soul.
The boundless waves sung symphonies wide and wavering.
The skinny moon...
Without sound, my heavyhearted eyes admire this prickling, secluded path of uneven, razor-bladed dead grass.
Frequently flicking my busy...
I am stifled
Belittled to the underbelly of my own self-codependency
Tricked out an undercurrent of my own self-inertia
Murmur of feeble...
Sunday came. Sunday left.
Monday yelled. Monday whispered.
Tuesday laughed. Tuesday cried.
Wednesday ran. Wednesday walked.
Thursday slept...
His righteousness has no hindrance
His diligence has no deplorableness
Never jeered with fear
Nor sneery with fury
Brazenly meticulous...