Poems from hbworth

As a young guy sometimes i feel like there is a lot of pressure on me. Writing poems helps me ease a lot of my stress. i love to make fictional characters and tell their lives through these poems.
There she stood, the girl from Main.
She knew all the ways to drive me insane.
She got in my head and opened my thoughts
With her wicked...
I might as well just grab a zebra and a paint gun and finish the job.
I know in the context of all those things this statement is kind of...
You point out that I seem a bit overly
Secure in how I speak
But the voice you here is cleverly
My hidden meek
Strength divided by my brain...
Then it began as simple as sight
When reality came and gave me a fright
That all things will come and all things will slow
Much like a boat...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, their skin was pale and they did try
To fake their deaths and sneak off one night, concealing themselves away from...