Poems from glassismt

"Glass is Empty" is my Gravatar avatar. It reflects a play on words with my initials, as "Empty" becomes "MT" for my name. The glass represents my transparently fragile creative process. The glass begins to fill as I struggle through the process of writing, becoming full when I (finally!) complete a short story or poem. After publishing the work, the glass becomes empty again, awaiting new inspiration. Empty or full, the glass is always "MT" :) TMI? Oh my!
User Location: “Second star to the right and straight on till morning.”
Most curiousduality ... thisSentimentality.Excessive tenderness,sadness, nostalgiacorrupting modality,distorting reality'ssocial edifice....
Fresh new book opens wide and swallows me whole!Taking time to acclimate I catch my breath,Focusing as scenes and characters unfoldTo...
I am a monsterI have to be obeyed-beware of my wrath....Mark Toney © 2018.10/10/2018 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you)
Learn warNo more....Mark Toney © 2018.6/22/2018 - Poetry form: Footle
Love of food!Gastronomy-Focus?Gourmet cuisine,Foods imbued with life,Sensual,Multi-Cultural,Lavish,Holistic,Essential,Experiential,Food to...