Poems from circadianrhythm

Hi. My name is Raven. Here is some of my poetry. Enjoy!
Comments are greatly appreciated! I love feedback!
may this book you read
be a good one
may you remember
that in spite of sad
or chapters that make you
want to use pages
as kindling...
I write to you, dear audience
Of all I see, and more
Of all my turbulence of thought
Of ones I once adored
I mark a new-turned leaf...
I am an escape artist
my art medium lies within my mind, for no one but me
since so much of me is already taken up with everyone and...
I have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - inattentive subtype
a.k.a. ADD
which means
my mind works differently from most...
I stand alone
the wind brushes my skin
like a mother, a brother,
a sister, a lover
that rush of breath imparts
an indeterminate affection...