Poems from armills96

Something About Me: Through the years I've learned this path has many turns Ups and downs, it spins around And sometimes brings me tears But no matter what, My eyes are never shut And happily, I look forward For what is next to come
Nervous glances we exchange    across the lunch yard,  our eyes locked in a nervous dance,   bounding apart the second they meet   Too...
It won't be the first time that I'm going to lose out to her         that red-haired vixen With the rockin body and loose standards...
When the scales of the dragon show high in the sky,and mass hysteria is running high,People look up and see their terror reflected in...
The other students make me insane their silly words worm into my brain, bringing it to a state of such mush That I may as well be smoking...
To be who I am is no easy task The one who sits on the side with a helpful question to ask       "Do you need a hand?" Those around me may...
