Poems from alexis karpouzos

Alexis karpouzos is a philosopher, spiritual teacher and author. After attending philosophy and social studies courses at the Athens School of Philosophy and political science courses at the Athens Law School, he continued his studies in psychoanalysis and the psychology of learning. His is the founder of the international center of learning, research and culture in Greece. The center has contacts and partnerships in 15 countries. More than 12.000 people have participated in the lessons and community's actions.
In the quiet of the night, We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.No lines to mark where you end and where I begin,In...
In the quiet of the night, We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.No lines to mark where you end and where I begin,In...
I know that our efforts all come to nothing. Analyze life, tear its trappings off, lay it bare with thought, with logic, with philosophy...
Who am i , you ask? Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Is our destined end, the death of shadow, but we can make our lives sublime, and,...
Creatures of clay, vain dwellers in the dust,
lonely, we roam like the cloud, the wind, the wave,
Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth,...