Poems from Wired6

That's my Kate- My Kate hiding amongst the Bush. I wish she wouldn't!   ©Wired6.27/10/2021
3,6,and 9, A ticking clock unable 2 tell the time. A motorbike,speedily passing through red light, unable 2 read the signs, Unfortunately...
She's a library of dreams-  Overlooked,dusty and in- disrepair, So many facets of fictional prescriptions she heads. Her life is imbued...
"Is it true that nobody Loves you?" "Nobody Loves me- yes,that's true." "But why? You're such a nice guy!,"   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021
Gentle emotion, Shakes,breaks,spins around. Without Love, hate couldn't have blossomed, essentially overgrown.   She,is never going back...
