Poems from Wild Dakini

Aspiring aquanaut, a miracle minded mermaid on a pilgrimage to change perspectives and break open hearts around the world.
I greet the day with gratitude laced with longing.
This hunger animates my entire being,
Sharpening my senses, a new way of seeing.
Part One:I am a destroyerDestroy herDestroy himDestroy them
Destroyer of worlds of multifarious dimensions.
Unintentionally, mind you.The...
Barren stems more than emptiness -within the confines of lost and broken,resilient as beauty is -Hope that awakens in white flowersto kiss...
What’s the use of lacrimating hallow tearsthat spill over past and future worries?Past and Future have gone astray,despite your dismayhave...
Moon shineSun shineweave through the linesthat divide and marginwhat we interpret as realityonly what is tangible and experienced but what...