Poems from Vision37

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The passing of knowledge and wisdom is keen to our future, so why not make acquiring this knowledge a bit more interesting. I share what comes to mind although it may not make sense all of the time, all in hopes you learn from me. Maybe you'll understand something I couldn't see. So please enjoy what I write and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something new that could broaden even your world view.
I see beauty in little things. I see how light brings out their details. I see how joy composes my lenses and peace it frame. I see...
Eyes are open while the mind has yet to fully awaken. This body moves about its path with routine without intention.   Lights are still...
The drops that fall are heavy from aching muscles fighting to stay steady under the loads they bare.   Torn benches reveal stories deep....
Do you see it? The way it pulls at your chest. The way it screams softly. How it stomps silently and how it listens exclusively.   Do you...
I will face today with open arms and hands steady. Passing through its gates of burden with a feeling of joy. While walking on the grounds...
