Poems from Tsimmswrites

Tsimmswrites's picture
I want to make people feel things. I perform slam poetry as well.
To the 2 yr old boy unresponsive from the accident on the 215 highway Laying at umc Your mother is in front of the chapel On her knees...
Hello Im the little corner in your brain Yes you dont like me very much Im the place where your tics stem from And we both know we are not...
The greatest look i ever received was the fire in my father’s eyes the accepting ocean in my mother’s and the entire universe embedded in...
Feminism the movement aimed at equal rights for women women meaning plural meaning all women not just caucasian women not just women of...
No I can sleep yes i wake up at 3 am there are nightmares that wake me up at 3 am and haunt me sweats bathes me and i shake wide awake i...
