Poems from Tiryn13Leucine

Hello, my name is Heather Caffey and I'll be your poet for today!
I write everything from short and sweet to long and sad, so if you want something that's somewhere in between or all of them, well you're in the right place! Most of my poetry is based off of my thoughts and random little daydreams and rarely about the people around me or what is going on, though I do write some of those.
Have fun with reading and have a slamming day!
To be set freefrom this guilt,
I couldn't helpbut cry for you
Every day and nightfor I couldn't save you
From the clutches of Death.I only...
An expert in the foresta predator at best
Bright orange against the deep greenlanguage narrowed to growls
Sharp canines ready to eatSpeed...
It hurts to be forgettenI try to supress the painbut it still doesn't work,so my other best option
is to ignore the silenceshrouded in...
The difference between you and meis that we were never meant to be,but you can't helppush that fact farther,and I can't helpbut try to be...
Fierce they seem towards each otherThey are the most loyal of animals
Always together like a familyNever traveling alone
They depend on...