Poems from Tina M. Turner.

Tina M. Turner.'s picture
Hello everyone, My name is Tina Turner and i am currently a senior at Richards career academy. Since my freshman you i have had a g.p.a of a 4.1 or higher due to honors and AP classes. I'm a proud member of a few organizations such as BuildOn, The national honor Society, and the decathlon team at my school. My current major is Law and public Safety, I really enjoy learning about our legal system. Am also really passionate about becoming a lawyer someday, I'm currently a intern at The Prinz Law Firm on 1 e wracker down town Chicago. my passion to become a lawyer come from my passion to help people. I think the best gift you can give someone if any is the power of knowledge and security. Educating them on their rights and defending them when they are being taking advantage of. I'm also a strong believer in education, its my number one. That is why I'm getting the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua for two weeks, with a non profit organization called BuildOn to build a school in one of the village. But its not just me its me n a group of other student in high school from all over Chicago that's going to. We leave July 14-25. Well that is just a short summary about me
I flip through the pages of my life like a diary, I can finally see that what's inside of me is actually destined to change the economy...