Poems from Sarmardan16
Poet and singer/songwriter from Honolulu Hawaii. Advocate for youth poetry and art, in love with Taco Bell and sushi, sticker enthusiast.
When you fall and when you break
When you feel like you're bent out of shape.
When you breathe but no air reaches your lungs; beg for it...
I planned only salads, fruits and water
I planned what seemed innocent
I planned to be what looked beautiful to me
Like Barbie like Barbie...
My mother has been working since American dreams turned into illusions
Two jobs is a family tradition
Mama taught me how to trade the...
My chin emerged from the steady rhythm of the sea.
The saltwater masked my face pulling heavily on my skull.
I heard the coral reef...
My black culture is lost.
I watch television shows of people that look like me
Picking up their characteristics, values, and loves