Poems from ReynasMuse96

ReynasMuse96's picture
Rapper, Poet
iv lost the battle with wrong and right, black magic has won this time theres not a way back to the light, the life i want to have is...
Beat in my heart, lyrics flow through my veins, money ain't ever touched the mind, ambition ain't my thing, lord knows what i mean, he...
You smell the goods, You feel the heat, You sit there waiting for a coin atleast a crum for you to eat, When the cold creeps in, you can...
Society has painted all races a picture, Stereotypes has affected all of us for the future, People say they know better yet go by the white...
Love, somthing easy when done the wrong way, Love, unique to individuals, Our Love, different and special, Our Love, noone can compare, Our...