Poems from Ravinder Kumar Soni

  After a long wait The doorbell rang, I knew He had come, To enthuse me; He who had promised To me A world full of love And gaiety. I...
  He was rude when he said to me - Why do you serve these titbits as mental fodder? These aren’t poems liked by people, Nobody reads them....
  Gift me now, I beg of you, Give me silence Before I lose my wits, There are too many sounds Floating about in the air, Some irritating...
  I guess you scared the wits out of me The last time you would ever do I am frightened of fear that I cannot bear more, I do not want my...
  He called aloud my name, My friend hard of hearing, He didn’t see me standing In the front row. I came up to him and asked, Why was I...
