Poems from Princess_Tessa

I am a senior in high school currently and will be majoring in international studies with a minor in photography next year at the University of North Texas!
Check out my photography at www.tessarene.weebly.com
Reality is like a frozen wasteland, Running into the comfort of my inner consciousness, it embraces me, wraps me with the warmth of my...
Death is a horrible DanceThe shadows are creeping inswallowing me; no, consuming me.Unable to breathe, nothing leftslowly fading away.Over...
Those private thoughts The hate the scars Either mental or physicalThose are your battle scars For the battles you won Those nights you...
Girls today have no respect for themselves,
they let men walk all over them.
They look in the mirror and hate themselves,
they don’t see...
Just brush it away, you’ll get over it,
its just a phase, its not important.
But oh how important it is,
the pain, the anxiety, the...