Poems from PoetryMom

Mother of six... wife of one. Three dogs, three cats, one horse. Living my poems, Writing about my life and family.
I believe "deceitful" is a bit harsh, prone to believe she's "full of herself" with her frosty farthingale draping my mountainside. Belle'...
Within Grandma's holy sanctum resided an altar
before which I was in awe, would stand tip toe in worship
adoring the lines of her ornate...
I hold a wounded Christ,
or so legend says,
within this fragile sand dollar -
five punctures - hands, feet, side
no blood or gore to...
"The important thing in life is to let the years carry us along." Federico Garcia Lorca, Yerma"
This evening I press my ear to your chest...
I can't help but wonder of your thoughts
since you've journeyed so far.
Has it changed you; are you slow to anger,
slow to find fault? ...