Poems from Passionate Dreamer

Just an average guy whose passionate about Christ and kicking prediabetes in the butt 👊🏾.
Be a light.🕯
Faith, hope and love. Three concepts most don't understand.
Faith and hope are nothing without love.
Takeaway faith and there is no hope...
In a time of darkness, reflect light.
In a time of confusion, give truth.
In a time of hatred, spread love.
In a time of fear, encourage...
Who is Lord over your life?
What rules over your time?
Does the love of money rule over your heart?
Is the desire for riches taking over...
Before the child of two loving parents,
I am the child and heir of the Most High God.
Before an African-American young male with flaws,
At night you may endure a period of mourning;
But cheer up brethren, "joy cometh in the morning."
A bad experience can suck the life out of...