Poems from Orionsbelt

Hello! My name is Orion. I am a non-binary queer poet. I am a senior in highschool, I'm 17, and I've been writing poetry since 6th grade (Obviously I write poetry not bios). I compete on my schools slam team and plan on double majoring in Political Science and Journalism in college.
I am super easy going and love reading others poetry.
I love all things nature, swimming, and politics.
This is a confession, handcuffed, miranda righted confession
I killed a girl.
I killed a girl and I liked it but-
I hate to say that she...
Fingers frozen to keys .
I fall in love with hands .
I care not for faces , breasts, genitalia
All I need are your hands.
The hands that...
Intermission has failed me.
A trip wire was not part of my blocking-
It left me on my knees.
Broadway lights, turning off with a loud...
It is extremely difficult to break you open.
Prying, peeling, pulling, plastic parts.
Where to do it.
You eagerly tear at my stockings....
The dwindling down of supper.
Lead me to believe malnutrition was the cause.
I drank more water.
Forgot my pills.
Consumed myself with...