Poems from NiKKa_Boii
I'm lost in your love but you my GPS.
Can you search your pockets I think you stole my heart.
Did the sun just come up or did you smile at...
Can you hear that sound
The sound of black and white coming together and stomp the ground
Can you hear the sound
The sound of...
Show off, Boast, Skyte
To my delight these dont come with fright
You see these rappers thats say look at me
I can make words ryhme that...
He Loves
He Loves me not
He Loves me
He Loves me not
She Loves me
She Loves me not
She Loves me
She Loves me not
They love eachother...
Are you a man?
Your reply "Yeah I Think I am"
But being a man is more than what you think It's not when you hate the colour pink.
It isnt...