Poems from Lullabeth

I'm an 18 year old writer who has been writing for as long as I can remember. From short stories, fanfiction, and poetry to song lyrics and music composition, I manage to keep my self constantly busy all day and all night. But I enjoy it. Writing is my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
The things that I'd change would be minds and heartsWhen the clock strikes the miracle hourThe peace that's been lostAt innumerable...
One beautiful morn, so fresh and oddOn a distant crag, a man did trodHe raised his blade to hew a perchAnd from the gouge three stones did...
There I was, yet there I wasn'tFor they neither saw me or knew where I hidThe shadow's hostage; the dustmite's captiveI feared "I'm...
There was small wooden houseAt the edge of the greenIt was there, yet it wasn’tFor it never was seen
Save by two little laddiesWho came by...
Words that tortureWords that blessWhat shall put my thoughts to rest?
Heart held captiveBy the mindFeelings ever left confined
Words that...