Poems from Lisalisa
One half of a whole
A moon for a soul
I can't write much more
I’m afraid I would be a bore
I wish I could be Dr. Suess
But without having...
I feel sticky
with fear
with pain
no thats just in my ear
"music's too loud"
you sound like my mom.
About seven years ago in my mind I almost had the near opportunity to ride down a road named Calvary. My mother said Jesus already did so I...
Why do we not spare time for insanity?
Why do we not spare time for wonder?
Why do we not spare time for reverence?
Why do we spare time...
I scooted, I slumped
I twitched and jumped
I slunk I slid
I got off of the hump and hid
nothing worked, nothing was right
I couldn’t even...