Poems from Lenniahelen
I hold all my tears in my hand
so no one will hear them hit the ground.
My tears are so heavy.
They weigh so much.
They hold so much hurt,...
I find it hard to believe that I am loved.
well, I know that I am loved... but am i loved?
loved enough for you to pick me over someone...
Lately I’ve been feeling lonely and depressed
And maybe it’s bc I’ve had too much rest
I can’t seem to fix myself
Maybe I just need to...
You can’t see it, you can only look at it.
You can’t listen to it, you can only hear it.
You can’t feel it, you can only touch it.
Imagine what I can do…
I can stop racism, or at least try to change the racist minds of the world.
Make others see that, we are all skin...