Poems from LaireOfIthilien

LaireOfIthilien's picture
Hello! I am Abby Erwin, an aspiring biology teacher. "Why would she choose to be a part of this community if she really loves biology?" you ask. First of all, biology is beautiful. Have you ever seen the graceful curve of a DNA strand, or a cacophony of cells, crowded together in a zen-tangle of life? Have you ever gazed up at the trees and wondered at their strength and slenderness? Have you stared into the eyes of another human being and seen the depths of their soul, and asked yourself why the eyes work that way? I have. Secondly, I am more complex than that. I am not only a biological-dreamer; I have feelings and happenings, just like everyone does. Why would I not have room for poetry in my life? Personally, I think everyone could be a poet, if they tried.
 When everything breaks Everything shatters My heart in pieces Scattered And all the world So beautiful, Yesterday Is cold and grey And the...
