Poems from Lady-Greene

If you've read my stuff, you may find it hard to believe I'm not a completely morbid conversationalist. What I've posted is stuff I've written for myself, mostly as a coping strategy for my depression. I've decided to share it because while I was recovering I remember I used to read other's poetry and weep. Deep, chest-wracking sobs. I cried out of identification, I knew that feeling. Knowing you're not alone, as clichéd as it sounds, is very useful - or at least was to me. Maybe I can help others feel that, who knows?
I’m not sure which reality is true,But I know which I prefer,So if I know which I prefer,Does it matter to which I referTo as the truth?
Her green eyes are blue if you look closely enough.They’re flecked with rust.There’s no irony in the factHer eyes are greener when she...
The parties. They sting.I pissed in front of a girl, and she smiled.She pissed in front of me too.Didn’t she dance wonderfully?She did,...
How quaint that I should form a poem,What educated sorrow I express.
Pure prose;divine.A greater meaning;distasteful.A further insight;abhorrentloathesomehateful. I implore,keep your lids shut so as not to...
