Poems from KechanBailey

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18 years old. Georgia Southern University. I love to write.
I gave you everything. For nothing. My time. My ears. My heart. When everybody else left... I was right there. When everybody else tore you...
Often times we, find ourselves in situations with women which we know ending is bound to happen. Yet I chase it like I'm racing and I wan't...
Oh Ms. Cronic, oh Ms. Cronic I thought the mind had a barrier, you helped me see beyond it The way I look at life now Affects the things I...
I think. Alot. But who can listen? Who has the time? Who wants to? It bothers me. But poetry. Always there. Waiting. On me. Confessions....
Math class was boring. History seemed irrelevant. Chemistry was just dangerous. But Literature... She was different. She had rules...but if...