Poems from Kaitou1412

Kaitou1412's picture
16 year old poet, presenting. I don't know how often I'll write, or what I'll write about, or if I'll write. Because sometimes I'm there, sometimes I'm not. The username is from an anime/manga because sometimes we need to be a little childish. Plus, you can thank KID for getting me into poetry. I don't know what else to say? Hello. It's nice to meet you. How's the weather? (Yes, my icon is a bit of a joke. Hope it makes you smile.)
Don't try to hold me For I am broken glass   Don't try to... Please, I beg you For everyone who holds me They will bleed And bleed And...
Me, myself, and I The only people Who've walked my shoes And lived my life They were there Every step of the way When I fell, they fell...
Don't  fall Stand tall Don't let that step Be the last Because there's more to life Then that   No promises to be made Of a paradise in...
There are three degrees of separation Mental, physical, and social The most common of these is physical Anyone who sees can see That those...
Today I am tired Of being everything. Friend, sister, lover, student, teacher Stretches a little to thin But I'll never complain I'll even...
