Poems from Jan Wienen

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 New English Translation (NET Bible) 3 For though we live as human beings, we do not wage war according to human...
Mark 9:24  24 Immediately the father of the boy cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”   “Therefore”   A word seldom used in...
Psalm 84:5  5 How blessed are those who find their strength in You,and long to travel the roads that lead to Your temple!   Humanity: Why...
Ecclesiastes 2:23  23 For all day long his work produces pain and frustration,and even at night his mind cannot relax!This also is futile...
Ecclesiastes 2:23  23 For all day long his work produces pain and frustration,and even at night his mind cannot relax!   Who fills a mind...
