Poems from Firas Alwaily

Behind the galaxy Homeland of souls My grandfather, my father, and I The language of secrets The alphabet of light A song of lightning The throat of the sun has no tongue Death is the beginning of the homeland The end of exile
Avatar   In the depths of the earth, where no sky reflects in the eyes, and no night extinguishes the light, there, in Agartha, the city...
Baghdad… The Dream That Never Grows Old   Baghdad is not read, it is lived—like the cry of a muezzin intertwined with the chants of...
Love in the Winter of the Cosmos   The winter of the cosmos stretched like a shroud of emptiness draped over the shoulders of time, where...
Lilith On the night when shadows emerged from the womb of absence, before the stars birthed their names, when silence was still a writhing...
Winter's light pours forth, melting the silence of minarets, erasing echoes, igniting the spark of nothingness. It weaves hope through...
