Poems from DrippingFingers

I hate it, I hate it all. No stars a night. All those buildings blocking me. Blocking my spirit from soaring. I need to leave this place. I...
I want to sleep. I want to be left alone. I am exhausted. To sleep would be nice. Sleep has not come in a while. So exhausted. So tired. So...
Not dead but not alive. I am partly—just partly. Lying on the roses of death. I gaze upon the stars. They glow in the dark. Beaconing me to...
I am lost in the books of past. The words of history consume me. Hidden in the corner I am. Many laugh. Many mock. All respect. I am lost...
In the moonlight she stands. Alone she watches. Her eyes never close. Tall and proud she is. Watching, wishing, and hoping. Our dark angel...
