Poems from DawsonFryer7

Shift from high to focus burnhard hat throbs with inner firetoo tight, splits, fallscooling shardsshut down. Regain focus, part hair on...
Grey blob bobbing Soggy glob roundly bouncing, the small wake not disturbing a warm spoon. Escaping soup ghosts beyond the bowl seeking a...
You should go. If you are not going, you’re staying. If you’re staying, you’re not playing. If you’re not playing, you will never win. So,...
The door is unhinged— It does not open well. And when it does, I cannot close it again.   The door is unhinged— It does not open well. And...
Drear behind, sunshine ahead Fleet are the feet of Poe. Emma drops down the hem of her gown Her stems curl up beneath her Her face to the...
