Poems from CH

CH's picture
Everyday must be its own
I fear for you sometimes   the way your shoulders tense when you look at the mirror, the way you refuse to look into your eyes, the way...
turn out blurry sometimes.   Shaken and hurried attempts at holding on to the golden hour and the silver lining   But the bronze beats keep...
Landed on our garden sprinkler, In a hot summer blur   It looked thirsty and drained, So with the flick of a switch I rained   The spray of...
What time is it? If I told you it's 1:37 And you wrote 1:37 This poem exists at 1:37 Then it must be 1:37 Forever and ever and ever.
I want to love you the way a glacier drags Slow and steady and long and forever.   Understand, I do not love you any less for my tortoise...
