Poems from Bulelani

Bulelani's picture
Bulelani Happyboy Mbanya thee Poetical LaPoetica. I am a poet not well known even though I have vision and version in this mission. I have the unspoken words that heals and make people wanna come together.
A place I recall There is a place I recall A place where I saw you A place where I started to take a look at you A place where I melted my...
You so beautiful so beautiful in a manner that, I don't care who knows as long as I know you so beautiful That's all I know and you know....
I lied I cheated And I stole many hearts With heavy sweet words Of naked loaded mind. Never took time to steal a heart with my punch line...
Word processor I am a word constructer A word developer Word purifier Word multiplier Word magnifier With fire words in kingdom fire. I am...
As I walk with a confidence in the street Full of human being Moving up and down Like ants making their own marching to Zion in summer...
