Poems from Ajones630

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I'm 19 a high school graduate who now attends college in Daytona Beach Florida. Please read and comment in my poems thank you.
I'm giving up on happiness I'm giving up on life Things are not the same and things are going wrong I want you here by me holding me...
Being strong just haven't been easy. It seem as though one thing go wrong ,everything go wrong. It feel as though me being strong is...
Who are you? Your you. Like Dr.Seuss once said "Be you because there's no one truer than you" take that and live with it. Why act like...
Breaking free? Damn I want to do that. But instead, I'm trapped in a hard cold place. That ain't no life of fame. In a world where I'm both...
Love you ,ily,luv ya?I Love You A word that is not used for its real meaning but just to take the place of something. Or just use it As a...
