Poems from Abigail Francisco

I've made a poetry book at age fifteen and I'm planning on publishing it. I'm starting another poetry book and I'm going to publish this one after I publish the first one. I've fallen in love with poetry. And I want to become a great writer when I grow up. I need all the support I can get. I hope you guys enjoy all my poems.
Be the reason someonestill believes in the goodnessof people.Be the change you want tosee in other people,because some may havebad days....
Be the reason someonestill believes in the goodnessof people.Be the change you want tosee in other people,because some may havebad days....
Out into the sea,is where I would be.In a boat that is verystill, quietly floating.
The sunset from a distanceaway is what I can see....
The sky is light blue,but my soul is dark red.Red like the flames,flames you can't wash out.
The type of flames that don't leave but stay....
I'm very still when it comesto fear.I'm very quick when it comesto danger.
Trying to survive the dark realms,isn't something you shouldsee....