Zero Intervention
There it goes again.
Another fist to their jaws,
Another bomb to their world
That you promised was bombsheltered.
They’re sick and tired
Of being tired and sick.
Yet you’ve done nothing
Except remind them of written work
And tests
That if they fail,
You’ll get less of
From your paycheck.
For once, forget your wants!
Forget your money
And your hair,
Your coffee,
And dare to look at them.
Straight in the eyes.
Look at the kids that are bleeding in front of you.
Forget your wants for one second
And help the ones getting bullied
Help them, the victims of your ignorance
And of the chained fists
That crash into their worlds.
That you swore were bombsheltered.
Watch their worlds crumble.
You swore they were bombsheltered.