

What a phrase for a program.

A phrase that inspires many young authors,

The phrase puts a fire in their eyes,

A hunger in their abdomen,

A hope in the desperate heart.


This phrase has authors around the country probing their minds,

Picking at the seams of imagination,

Knocking on inspiration's door,

Begging creativity to lend an ear,

Pestering their subconcious to help.


This phrase may be lost to others,

Flitter through our ears,

Swim through our conversations,

Run across our minds,

Jump from mouth to mouth to mouth.


A phrase like this is worth more than what some of us have in our pockets,

It's worth more than our phone case,

It's heavy in our hearts,

It's what some of us will dream about tonight,

It's what some of us will run from in our nightmares.


An application for greatness,

An application to be heard,

An application to further our study of words,

An application for the college of our dreams!

An application to be what we wanted our whole life.


For me, this phrase weighs heavy in my heart and mind.

This phrase is the difference between having no money for college and having something to wish for.

This phrase is my hope, my dream, and my fear.

This phrase inspired me to write again,

This phrase put the pen back in my hand.



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