Your Light
Your reddish brown facial hair is gleaming in the sun,
I can't stop looking at you, I love your "mutt" colored facial hair,
and when you are smooth, I love you too
the way your voice brings comfort when there are objects falling out of the sky
there are people everywhere, nagging; they don't understand,
My time they need, but I need yours
the cape of darkness I sometimes wear, only you can penetrate it
the craze that sometimes awakens in me, only dominated by you
my light in the sky, is deep blue irises with white enclosing them
the lady loves her tramp the most, the charm he possesses
the nights are filled with desire and hope,
while the days are filled with despair and monotony
every moment seems eternal if the sky is not shining above,
the days that are dark linger on forever
and then the days that are light come and go
only one has the key that uncovers the truth, the real self
the feelings of regret and faith linger and grow
the hope of forgiveness and love diminish slightly,
but then they grow, the spiral of indecision,
years gone by, months, have left the dusty photographs,
and feelings that are incomparable to any other
boxes of treasures and memories are abandoned but not forgotten,
walking through the trees carelessly, naive and young
the two fell in love exploring
and they fell apart exploring
yet time changes the mind and the mind changes life
the warm embrace of the shining light,
with positive vibes and encouraging words
i also strive to be the light,
the one that shines and makes things bright
that makes the day unique and divine
i just want to be your guide, the lead explorer
just like you are to me, my lover,
you saved me every time, the one that makes me better,
i want to be that one, i will take off your cape too,
and make you see the light, brown hues reflecting
alive now, awake now, sure, and happy.
no need to be the only light, for now there are two,
no more delay and disappointment,
the love i feel is immense, i shout out that you are my only
and as He said "let there be light"