You only live once.... You only write once....FALSE!
They say you only live once but my mind has lived a thousand years flipping through the pages I read I travel from city to city country to country religion to religion race to race I understand the meanings ideals and history behind the eyes of Gods people. They say you only write once but I sit behind my paper and pen and I let those meanings and ideals lead me through till there’s no room left to speak. I write over and over I live over and over. Dreaming Wishing Believing. Traveling Learning Understanding. Without a single movement.
They say you only live once but isn’t Martin Luther King still living today carrying on his words that “I have a dream”? They say you only live once but isn’t Harriet Tubman still living today with her strength in saying “NO”? They say you only write once well if that’s true then tell me how William Shakespeare could write his entire life on love, laughter, hate, betrayal, and death now we sit in our classrooms learning of his stories we watch, read, and act these plays as they unfold in front of us. They say you only write once tell me how Mozart Bach Beethoven and Chopin devoted their lives to reading writing, and playing beautiful music through the keyboard of a piano and we study and recreate their works as a talent.
Living is history Writing is history always repeating always reoccurring it never stops. So no we don’t only live once no we don’t only write once. We live through everything we do and we write and create through everything we do.