You N I ty

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 15:35 -- T.A.B


United States
37° 16' 20.9424" N, 80° 25' 57.5472" W

(It’s one nation under god, but we still have our guard up
Can’t embrace another race cause we hard up
For cash and food: these two will get you scarred up
Just to get by
Kids trampled in a stampede
Just to get fly
Another dead over some bread
Just to get Rye
And we wonder why we can’t be fed
Cast asunder raised to led
Now we attempt to be friends
But act like toddlers in the deep end
Arms flailing, wailing now
Just to get dry
Fixated on our fear of drowning
We submerge those we deem weak below us to stay afloat
The Glaring Omission being…
We are still in the pool!
Our desperate attempts for individual safety
Merely placed us at the pinnacle of a soggy situation
Consumed with self-preservation
We forget:
We float when we die!
Failing to realize death is not our only similarity
But instead cooperation we engage in competition
A bitter rendition, in a dog eat dog world
Where the victor is still on a leash
Threatened by our hustle,
Were put in muzzles until they pretend to not comprehend our speech
Where the life guards guard their pocket
And if we are not a part of the profit
We might as well be skeletons in closet
Over looked, never wept, our deaths another secret kept
This vicious cycle perpetuates and will continue to so………
Unless we Unite.
That’s when You n I are tied together by bonds so strong we become indifferent about our differences.
Still individuals we are not divided by the color of skin or accruement of dividends.
Instead, You N I are a unit solid yet fluid where no holes run through it
They say the whole world loves it when we sing the blues
And the whole world loves when we lose
Feels like the whole smirks when we frown
let’s turn the world upside down
So before when it felt like it was all about ME
The whole world witnesses what’s accomplished by WE


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