You Forgot Something When You Left
Look at me,
What do you see?
Once upon a time I saw me.
Then he walked in.
And all I saw was him.
I thought my fairy tale came true
Because in my eyes we were the only ones in the room.
It took a glance to like him.
What wasn't to like?
He was everything I wanted,
Dreamed of since I was five.
It didn't take long for me to fall.
My heart skipped beats when he said hi.
And I'd look into the sky and cry
Because I thought he'd never be mine.
I waited and waited.
Hopelessly dreaming on the corner
Waiting for the day he'd come to me.
Would you be able to guess that I sat in that corner for seven months.
I nearly gave up.
The he kissed my lips.
I wasn't me.
I was half of us.
It was hard at times.
But it was perfect nonetheless.
I loved everything about him.
Even his flaws.
He was the one that made me happy.
He was what made me fall asleep with a smile.
I don't know what happened.
Fifty nine days.
Two days short of two months.
That's how long my happiness lasted.
That's how long we lasted.
He left without so much as an explanation.
Everyday I cry.
I can't stop thinking of him.
And it hurts to know he's just fine.
Fifty five days
Eleven hours
Eight minutes
Forty five...
Forty six....
Forty seven seconds.
That's how long I've been here.
Locked within my own mind.
I can't look at anything.
The sun burns my skin like your eyes use to when you looked at me.
The streets haunt me without the echo of your footsteps.
The red dress he loved so much is gathering dust.
My poetry book he picked out is thrown under my bed, untouched.
The ring he bought hidden somewhere in the cracks of the wall.
Even the depressing rain bring happy memories of us.
Something so romantic.
Kissing in the rain, picked up bridal style.
Every girls dream.
Now even the rain bring salt water to my face.
He is always saying
I was his biggest mistake.
While he was my greatest accomplishment.
I was never worth it.
While every tear for him is worthy.
I was his most dreaded nightmare.
But to me he'll always be my sweetest dream.
Turns out,
I had to find out,
Straight from his mouth,
He never loved me.
None of it was real.
To him at least.
Because as you see from my tears
It was all very real to me.
As you see from my tears
I love him with all of me.
When he left
He took everything.
The future we planned,
The kisses we shared,
My happiness,
And all his care.
He took with him,
Like a thief,
The heart in my chest,
And all my peace.
He took those three words with him as well.
And now my life is a living hell.
Sometimes I wish,
Just wish,
That it would all end.
But I'm not that person,
The one he saved back then.
It's just a passing thought.
Just like I was to him.
But looking at myself,
I only see one thing.
The one thing he forgot to take with him that day.
The memories of him that have now all but become all that is me.
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This poem is full of so much raw emotion, and it is great that you have poetry as a way for you to express your true feelings about pain. The lines "he took with him / like a thief" especially spoke to me while reading this poem, because those words paint a sinister picture of the person which the poem is about.
Excellent poem and definitely something I can relate to...wanting someone so bad that they become all you want, all you think about, all you see, basically youre everything so if they leave..it's like everything is gone and you're just broken....definitely not the greatest feeling:( but great poem, wonderfully written:)