You can finally define me


United States
42° 51' 51.606" N, 87° 54' 49.9212" W

Creative is the word to describe me
I may use my imagination
I tend to do some narration
I can always do translation
I always want to go on vacation

Creative is the word to describe me
I have ideas that are original
I am very visual 
My mom tells me I'm a miracle
I act very professional

Creative is the word to describe me
I love creating artistic work
I'd like to leave a literary mark
Sometimes I wear a smirk
I am not a jerk

Creative is the word to describe me
I tend to have my own style
I really love my smile
I am not hostile
I've been writing poetry for awhile

Creative is the word to describe me
I am unique with my own mind
I always like to be kind
When i accomplished things I shined
I finish things I'm assigned

Creative is one word to describe me
Now that you can finally define me

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