You Will Never Believe What I Just Dreamed About
You will never believe what I just dreamed
in fact it has been awhile since I've had this dream
and when I wake I can't help but shiver from the thought of being alone
as I remember the emptiness the cold air I ponder on what it all means
it's a peculiar dream
with children with three heads and deer larger than trees
There are swampy lakes that bubble and steam
and below the murky surface lurk the women of the water
there are cowboys with no hats and queens with no servants
I now it all sounds silly and my father calls me crazy
but in this dream that has been awhile since I've dreamed
there is a rabbit that is watching me
He never says anything so I never reply
but the silence is killing me and the ticking is driving me nuts
he lives in the trees where the Man with Hats visits
and I watch from afar longing to be invited
And so in this dream I am again alone
and it seems that I can't escape this forsaken loneliness
I hope to dream of company who would love to be with me
to escape my hollow life But as I dream of my dream I wonder if my dream dreams of me
I feel less bare