For You


United States
39° 31' 11.3916" N, 84° 2' 16.4004" W

Most of the time,
we live in memories.
We spend time planning,
waiting for the future.

Remember when...

How pretty the sky looked,
or wonderful the air felt.
Remember all the details,
so nothing slips away.

Remember when...

Remember all your firsts,
how special they seem.
Like riding a bike,
or fishing in a stream.

Remember when...

Things used to be simple,
6X12 was difficult.
And freeze-tag was the best,
winning was all.

Remember when...

Don't let these go,
remember each detail.
The little things make life,
or so I'm told.

Remember when...

Stay for a while,
so when later comes,
we can have a chance to sit
and say together

Remember When?


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If you ever need help or support, we trust for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741