Yin Yang (Unrequited Love)



No pain on the skin..but pain from within...find yourself in bed an hour before ten..waiting for your yin......swearin they're your yang but knowin damn well they out doin their thang.. "Yin and Yang are actually complementary, not opposing forces, interacting to form a whole that is greater than either separate part" Belief is only so strong.....ask yourself..how can it feel so right when you know it's so wrong?...how can you keep holding on if you're hanging for so long?...why keep believing and loving them through a song?? ...I know that feeling...those thoughts...that pain... Pain..mm, mm, mm. Self inflicted is less conflicted because i always think i can fix it.....in reality I can't get it outta me cause I say I'm done but there's always that doubt in me..that strong belief.. Trying to set this in stone, we wait until we're all alone..just so what is said, only the two of us would know. - I propose ..'Let's go get a tattoo...I think you love me and it's clear that I love you..as many times as I told you..simultaneously as I hold you...the only thing left for me to do is to actually show you....'- And then i get a ..'Show you!? Maaan I don't even know you..I kinda miss the old you..ya know when you'd come through, we'd do the do, and I'd say see you in school...' The only stone that's set is the stone in which my heart becomes...thinking that you loved me...psh, how could I have been so dumb..


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